The Perils of Pumpkin & Spice for DogsWhat You Need to Know About Pumpkin Spice and Your Pup I stopped at Starbucks for...
Why Does My DOG'S Breath Stink?https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gXjf_WNCQrA Today we're going to tackle an issue that many dog owners face: bad breath in...
Warren Talks: Housebreaking Regression, Litterbox Lapses, Flying Furballs & Chew-A-Paloozas. What's going on with our pets?Has your perfectly housebroken dog started peeing on the carpet? Is your fastidious kitty pooping...
AFTER COVID-19, IS SEPARATION ANXIETY IN YOUR PET’S FUTURE?As the Novel Coronavirus Covid-19 begins to level off, we can expect many pets to...
Court Orders EPA to Act On Petition to Ban PesticideSan Francisco Appeals Court Orders EPA to Take Action on Dangerous Pesticide Used in Pet...
Please Do Not Pet the Radioactive Puppies of ChernobylFallout dogs IRL. By Becky Ferreira 18 September 2019, 9:53pm This article originally appeared on VICE US. In...
The Dog Digestive System | Lucy PetThe Dog Digestive System A dog’s digestive tract consists of many similarities to our own. The...
Elaine Live & Lauren, Too!Warren appears on episode 24 of Elaine Live & Lauren, Too! to discuss the relationships...
Dog Walks Bring Peace & QuietEight out of 10 dog owners sometimes take their pet out for a walk just...
Curious Kids: How are cats declawed, and is it painful?The Conversation 31st July 2019, 00:21 GMT+10 Declawing a cat might sound as simple as trimming...
Train Your Pet to Come To You When the Fire Alarm Goes OffTrain Your Pet to Come To You When the Fire Alarm Goes Off Meghan Moravcik...
Coyote enters house through doggie door... - LA TimesCoyote enters house through doggie door, killing pet in ‘unprecedented’ attack By Alexa Díaz Staff Writer...
6 Tips For Transitioning Your Dog to a New HouseIf you think back to some of the most stressful events in your life, you'll...
Pet Guardians Struggling Financially - Use Crowdfunding to Your AdvantageEach and every pet deserves the best care possible, but unfortunately, it isn’t always feasible....
How to Raise Your Puppy Without Separation AnxietyHow to Raise Your Puppy Without Separation Anxiety You've just bought home your new puppy and...
When is it Ethical to Euthanize Your Pet?In the 1960s, I knew people who, before going on vacation, would take their dogs...
Caring for Your Dog in WinterDogs can love the winter. There are few more heart warming images than a happy...
The Well-Manicured Pet ... taking matters into your own hands!You may be harming your pet and don't even know it. Take a look at his...
7 Proven Techniques to Calm an Anxious DogWhether you’re going to the vet, moving to a new house or doing something that...
How to Care for Your Dogs as They AgeAge affects us all and our dogs are no exception. It can be difficult to...
5 Ways Dogs Help Ease Depression SymptomsDogs are more than friends to people, they’re another member of the family. When we’re...
Best Pet Insurance - Comprehensive Guide for 2017 | LendEDUIf you’re like most pet owners, you feel as if there is nothing you wouldn’t...
NOISE PHOBIAS - Stop the Suffering!If your pet suffers from noise phobia, you probably cringe every time thunderstorms are forecast....
Pet Cardio - The FrisbeePlaying Frisbee is the logical extension of playing catch. But there are some important differences...
Protecting Your Pets from Dangerous Mosquito BitesHow to Protect Your Pets from Mosquito Bites Mosquitoes aren't only drawn to humans, they also...
Pet Care Options for Hospitalized SeniorsAs an elderly adult, there might be occasions when you get sick or may even...
The Dog In A Man’s WorldAlthough dogs have been living with man for thousands of years, always remember that when...
AA-CHEW! Allergies & PetsIf you suffer from allergies and are considering a first-time pet, there are some breeds...
Guide to a Healthy Happy ParrotIdeas contributed by members of the Parrot Fanciers' Club - Dennis Cleary, Dennis & Lisa Umstead, Diana...
How to Make the Perfect Fish TankWarren Eckstein chats with MSNBC.com about keeping pet fish. Chat questions were answered on the...
Choosing a BirdWith over 300 species in the parrot family, there is quite a large selection to...
Is your Fluffy getting too fat?Fat cats may be welcome at political fundraisers, but on your sofa, it's another story....
Dogs: Does size really matter?Tips to judge what breeds will fit best into your life James Herriot wrote about all...
Keeping Pet BirdsWarren Eckstein chats with MSNBC.com about the joys and challenges of keeping birds as pets....
You have a new puppy, now what?Tips on how to turn the lovable beast into a lovable pet Hundreds of thousands of...
The Best Pet Food to Woof DownAmericans currently spend a whopping 16 billion dollars on pet food a year and feeding...
Life in a Fish Bowl - Tips on how to set-up a home aquariumGoldfish have always been popular, ever since the Chinese first kept them 5,000 years ago....
Finding the right dog trainerTips to find a dog trainer who can also fit your needs One of the most...
Picking a pet from the pound - Tips for future animal owners on what to look for.There are 15 million pets put to sleep each year, most of which could be...
Chewing Problems... Don't Confuse Your Canines!"You don't know how many times I've heard, "Warren, my dog keeps chewing my socks!"...
When Fido Isn't Kissable - The Causes and Cures for Stool-EatingOne of the most embarrassing and unpleasant problems dog owners can encounter is the problem...
Causes of Bad Behavior in DogsThe maxim "a sound mind in a sound body" is extremely relevant when it comes...
Keeping your dog safe & happy when moving houseMoving house is as stressful for your dog as it is for you, but careful...
199 Plants Poisonous to Your PetsCourtesy of ProFlowers.com. Explanation of toxicity levels Keep in mind toxicity levels can vary based on your...
The Dangers of Cabin FeverAre Your Pets Suffering When You Leave The House? Many studies have shown that rats confined...
Stepping Out with KittyYears ago, owners would let their cats wander outdoors. Today, as far as I'm concerned,...
SWIMMING WITH YOUR PETS CAN BE FUN, BUT CAN ALSO BE VERY DANGEROUSThe constant exposure to water and sun is very drying to any pet's coat and...
Hot Weather AlertSummer is here! Enjoy the beautiful weather and outdoor activities with your pets but be...
TRAVELING WITH YOUR FURRY FRIENDSIf Fluffy and Fido refuse to be left behind on your vacation, have no fear...
Warning - Heatstroke Can Be Hazardous to Your Pet's Health!Although it may occur at any time of the year, heatstroke is particularly prevalent as...
Guest Post on Harambe the GorillaCINCINNATI — Tragic news as Harambe the gorilla was shot dead after he was seemingly protecting a...
Teaching Kitty To Come When CalledDogs come when they're called. So of course Kitty can be taught the same thing....
Is Your Pet Talking To You and What Are They Saying?IS YOUR PET TALKING TO YOU AND WHAT ARE THEY SAYING By Warren Eckstein Vocalizations are a...
Don't Treat Your Pet Like An AnimalDoes your Burmese cat or your German Shepherd have one little behavior pattern, one small...
The Nondemanding RelationshipEver since man first decided to take a wild animal into his cave, he’s held...
FEEDING WINTER BIRDSHOW TO TURN YOUR YARD INTO A DINER One of my family's biggest pleasures during the...
Housebreaking RegressionWhat if suddenly, for no apparent reason, perfectly housebroken Fido starts having "accidents" in your...
Cheering Up CharleyNo one could figure out what was the matter with little Charley. There was a...
Best Pet Insurance for 2015 - ConsumerAffairsEdit: There is an updated, comprehensive Pet Insurance Guide for 2017 available here. When it comes...
Why Does My Pet Do That?Why does Fluffy jerk her legs while she's sleeping? Many an owner has glanced over at...
Best Pets for SeniorsAre you looking for a new companion that suits your retirement lifestyle? We’ve got expert...
10 Reasons its Great to be a Dog1. If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no...
FIRST PET PSYCHOLOGY: HOW TO INTRODUCE A SECOND PET TO YOUR PETHow would you feel if one day someone suddenly appeared in your home and...
PhobiasThere is hardly a cat or dog who isn’t afraid of something. Phobias develop early...
The Alpha Myth in Today's SocietyThere are situations in the wild where there is an Alpha, the dog who leads...
Building Your Cat’s Self-ConfidenceThe easiest way to create a confident cat that behaves well is to spend more...
How can I make sure my dogs would be looked after if I passed away?I am a pensioner and live alone with my two lovely dogs. Recently I fell...
Older Adults Face Barriers to Pet OwnershipA review of the literature on pet ownership by older adults discusses the health benefits,...
Is Your Pet Due For A Makeover?Is your dog looking disheveled? Does your cat look less than cuddly? If so, a...
Pets Really Are Like People's Children, Brain Scans SuggestThe bond between pet and owner may be more similar to the relationship between child...
Dog blood transfusion saves cat's lifeMARATHON, Fla. -- Veterinarians in Florida said an orange tabby cat has its natural nemesis,...
What every dog owner needs to know about parvovirusWhat every dog owner needs to know about parvovirus Outbreaks of parvovirus among dogs in Massachusetts,...
The Advantages of Pet Aerobicsswimming dog The best thing about pet aerobics is that you and your dog or cat...
Preventing BloatSome episodes of bloat can be prevented by following these practices: Divide the day's ration into...
Best Pets for SeniorsThe companionship and unconditional love that pets offer can help older adults reduce stress...
Kabang the hero dog heals, heads homeVeterinarian Anton Lim of the Philippines plays with Kabang, whom he will escort home on...
The heartbreaking stories behind 5 adorable bionic dogsTortured, shot at, or left to die, these brave pups each got a new lease...
Bionic Dog! Mutt Makes History As First Canine To Get Four Bionic PawsHe was abandoned in a foreclosed house in the middle of a Nebraska winter...
PICKING A PUPPY OR CHOOSING A KITTENSo you want to add a little bundle of love to your household? A...
GET A JUMP ON FLEAS BEFORE THEY GET A JUMP ON YOUR PETSOh, no! Fido and Fluffy have fleas and now the whole family is scratching!If this...
THE INITIAL VETERINARY EXAM - WHAT TO EXPECTCaveat emptor! This Latin phrase means "Let the buyer be ware." Whether we get our...
NO FAT CATS!!! THE IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE FOR OUR FELINE FRIENDSIt always burns me up when one of those supermarket tabloids runs a "Do you...
WHO DESERVES MY DOLLARS?Among the hundreds of letters, emails, and facebook messages I receive each week, there are...
SAFEGUARDING YOUR PETResidents of the New York metropolitan area became aware of "Willie" - the...
LYME DISEASE - IN CATS, TOO?Although Lyme Disease is not yet a problem in cats, pet owners should nevertheless be...
The Well-Dressed PetAt this time of year one of the questions I'm most frequently asked is, "Does...
Litter Box LapsesWhat if your perfectly trained Kitty suddenly stops using the litter box? Every cat is...
Tips to Protect Your Pet Against Theft(Aug. 10, 2012)—In response to reports of a possible increase in thefts of pets nationwide,...
The Pet Parent's Guide to Rattlesnake BitesTis' the Ssssseason for SnakesWith sunny skies on the horizon, it's no wonder people and...
Picking Healthy Pet FoodsPicking Healthy Pet foods By WARREN ECKSTEIN An animal's diet can contribute to the behavior he...
Dog IntelligenceDog Intelligence By Warren Eckstein Ever wonder why some dogs are so intelligent that they can herd...
The Importance of TouchThe Importance of Touch By Warren Eckstein Scientific studies have shown that touch can do amazing things....
Does Your Cat Own You?• Do you select your friends based on how well your cats like them?• Does...
Bringing a second pet into your homeTips on how to keep the peace in your householdEven the most mild mannered mongrel...
New Year's ResolutionsAccording to a study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology about half of American's make...
Keeping Your Pet's Skin and Coat Healthy in the Cold WeatherDuring the winter months, dry skin & excessive shedding are major concerns for pet guardians....
A Gentle GoodbyeAs a veterinarian, I am always grateful that we have the option of ending our...
The Overly Inquisitive PetTHE OVERLY INQUISITIVE PET BY WARREN ECKSTEIN Pets that go through the wastebasket, open drawers, and...
What to Expect From Your Pet When You're ExpectingChange means adjustment. Just by being with new and different people, a pet's personality can...
Why Eye Contact is so ImportantWHY EYE CONTACT IS SO IMPORTANT By Warren Eckstein Most dogs (with the...
Fundamentals of Proper Dog TrainingFUNDAMENTALS OF PROPER DOG TRAINING BY WARREN ECKSTEIN The first and most important lesson in dog training...
How to Build the Perfect CathouseEntertain Your CatSet up some Kitty entertainment! People need to get out of the house...
Pet MassageMassage is as wonderful and therapeutic for an animal as it is for a human....
Who gets the dog and cat?The statistics tell it all - half the marriages in the U.S. today end in...
OUR PETS KNOW WHAT WE NEED MORE THAN WE DO!Having personally worked with over 40,000 pets and their owners, it finally hit me that...
Celebrity Pet Psychic Melissa Bacelar and Healer Gabriela CastilloCelebrity Pet Psychic Melissa Bacelar and Healer Gabriela Castillo have always been passionate about animals...
Your Pet as a Pleasure, Not a BurdenWhen all of the problems are solved, what remains is pure pleasure, the...
VETERINARY PHYSICAL REHABILITATIONVETERINARY PHYSICAL REHABILITATION What is physical rehabilitation therapy? Veterinary physical rehabilitation therapy, similar to what is known...
DISASTER PLANNING FOR YOUR PETYour household should include a disaster kit for your animals as part of your...
Spirituality In PetsAmong the groups that believed in humane treatment of animals were the Egyptians, the Babylonians,...
Introducing Your Pet to NatureIf you live in the country, your pet is already adjusted to the sounds of...
Declawing ...the Hot DebateCall me a naturalist or an old-fashioned guy but I don't like to tamper with...
Coping with the loss of a petHow to manage your grief when a pet diesOne of the most difficult times for...
Humane HeroesWho deserves my dollars? - by Warren EcksteinAmong the hundreds of letters I receive each...
Pets Teach Kids Many Valuable Lessons - GUEST ARTICLEParents often bring a pet into the family to teach kids a sense of responsibility,...
National Pet Dental Health Month - GUEST ARTICLEDogs and cats can't brush their teeth. But foul breath and yellow-brown teeth are...
Beware Of Your Pet's Midlife Crisis!Years ago, when I first starting talking about the concept of our pets suffering from...
A NEW PET----THE ENERGY BOOST FOR THE OLDER PETThere's nothing more valuable for a lonely spaniel than a new puppy or kitten or...
The Creative CatThey also love to play with their human companions; some cats develop way of signaling...
Pet Depression and NeurosisNeurosis is defined as an emotional state of fixation—one in which there are no options....
Signs of Senior PetsThe American Veterinary (AVMA) estimates more than 40 percent of all pet owners have an...
Dangerous Pet ToysThe Holidays are here, and the pet shops are crammed with toys. Many of them...
Imperfect Humans Expect Perfection From Their PetsWhen I first began my professional career over 30 years ago, I studied many of...
Perceptions and Misconceptions about our PetsThere is nothing more detrimental to the human-animal relationship than misconception. Too many owners...
The Scoop (On Poop)via Beverly Animal Resource Coalition (BARC) Top Ten Reasons to Pick Up After Your...
Adopting An Older PetOlder pets require the same sense of belonging and need for love that all living...
It's About TimeSuffolk County NY has voted unanimously to create the first animal abuse registry in...
Rising From The AshesThe question that has been haunting me for years is, “How can people be so...
Dinner With Your PetI recently read an article in The Charlotte Observer titled “Revised Rule Lets More Pets...
Seat-Belt Laws For DogsI was recently driving from Arizona to Los Angeles and when I pulled into a...
Choosing a PetEvery year, thousands of families purchase or adopt a new pet. Every relationship that develops...
Dog Bite PreventionIt is estimated that 4.7 million people, most of them children, are bitten annually by...
Fleas - Taming the Creepy CrittersAdvice on how to curb a flea and tick problem on your petsFlea Facts: Flea saliva...
Fun Things To Do With BirdsDid you know that one in three American Families feed the birds? More than...
Pet PoisonsTOP TEN PET POISONS OF 2008Is your pooch cuckoo for chocolate? Does your kitty like...
Putting a Leash on Veterinary CostsOwners can ease pain of pet medical bills, which totaled $10 billion in '07By David...
Teaching your dog a trick or twoWant to train your dog to do a new trick or two? Agility is the...
The Case Against Crate Training.When you were growing up, did your friends have dogs? Were these dogs housebroken and...
The Case of the Undersocialized Doberman...Sally and John obtained their Doberman pup, Jessie, from a breeder at the age of...
Tige's ColumnTige was Warren's American Staffordshire Terrier. Retired from his role as "Buster Brown's Dog" he...
When It's Time to Say GoodbyeOne of the most difficult moments for anyone who's ever been owned by a dog...