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Brad Pitt cleaned dog poop before Oscars’ big win
Brad Pitt has revealed that he cleaned up his dog poop before he walked in for the Oscars ceremony.
The ‘Troy’ star said that he was not afraid to get his hands dirty and pick up after his pet pooch, who left him and fiance Angelina Jolie, 38, a little surprise on Sunday morning, Metro.co.uk reported.
The 50-year-old actor further added that he had to clean up dog poop in his bedroom. (ANI)
Take the kids, but I’ll fight you for the dog
A fifth of separating couples found deciding who gets the dog “as stressful” as who should care for the children.
In response, more and more dog owners are considering signing prenuptial agreements to avoid custodial battles over their four-legged friends.
In one case, Liam Gallagher, the Oasis singer, and his estranged wife Nicole Appleton went to court over who kept their dogs.
Nigella Lawson was said to be devastated after her ex-husband Charles Saatchi won “custody” of a stuffed mutt they owned dubbed Narles — a mixture of their first names.
The charity Dogs Trust urged couples to think about their pets, especially with January being the most popular month for divorce. A survey for the charity found a quarter of couples believed that their dog would pose the biggest dilemma if they split up.
Pet cemeteries will now accept human remains for burial alongside beloved family pets
Pet owners can now spend eternity in the dog house.
A new regulation unveiled by the state this month would allow pet cemeteries in New York to accept the cremated remains of human beings hoping to be buried forever beside their beloved family pets.
The new rules resolve a two-year-old dispute that began when the state refused to allow the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery in Westchester to accept the ashes of a former NYPD officer who wanted to spend his afterlife with his three Maltese pups.
The cop’s niece, upstate attorney Taylor York, took on her uncle’s cause and battled the state to allow the burial.
“People do get a sense of comfort from knowing they can lie for eternity with their beloved pet, that they can be loved and protected in the afterlife just as faithfully as when they were alive,” York said
San Francisco SPCA Offering Pet Condoms to Sex-Addicted Dogs and Cats
We got you to click didn’t we?
That’s exactly what the SPCA is hoping will happen by advertising pet condoms on its website. Appropriately dubbed “Animal Instinct,” the new pet condom is about as real as that dog who drove through the streets of San Francisco.
But the campaign is for real. In its latest effort to call attention to the need for pet owners to spay and neuter their horny dogs and cats, the SPCA launched a new website which advertises pet condoms, encouraging owners to “put it on before they get it on.”
Extreme sadness ahead: Celebs mourn their pets
Warning: This post is going to make you cry.
This week, comedian Sarah Silverman had to put down her beloved dog, Duck. She set aside her usual snarkiness and penned a heartbreaking tribute to her friend on her WhoSay page.
Silverman described finding Duck, who she guesses was about 19 when he passed, in a no-kill shelter. Near the end of their 14-year friendship, Duck’s health took a turn for the worse.
“He was a happy dog, though serene. And stoic. And he loved love,” she wrote. “Over the past few years he became blind, deaf, and arthritic. But with a great vet, good meds, and a first rate seeing-eye person named me, he truly seemed comfortable.
“Recently, however, he stopped eating or drinking. He was skin and bones and so weak. I couldn’t figure out this hunger strike. Duck had never been political before. And then, over the weekend, I knew. It was time to let him go,” she wrote.
Silverman made the difficult decision to put Duck to sleep.
“I held him close – in our usual spoon position and stroked him,” she wrote. “I told him how loved he was, and thanked him for giving me such happiness and for his unwavering companionship and love…I held him and kissed him and whispered to him well passed his passing.”
In closing, she wrote,
“14 years.
My longest relationship.
My only experience of maternal love.
My constant companion.
My best friend.
If you have known the love of an animal, you are probably a little choked up right now. But Silverman’s beautiful tribute isn’t the only instance of a celebrity pouring their heart out over the loss of a pet.
Yawning is contagious in dogs too
Dogs yawn often when they see a person yawning, and are more responsive towards their owner’s yawns than to a stranger’s, a research has suggested.
In the study by Teresa Romero and colleagues from the University of Tokyo, pet dogs watched their owner or a stranger yawn, or mimic a yawning mouth movement, but yawned significantly more in response to their owners’ actions than to the strangers’ yawns.
The dogs also responded less frequently to the fake movements, suggesting they have the ability to yawn contagiously.
The 5 Most Famous Pet Custody Wars in Hollywood
Pets are furry family members to many couples — and can spark nasty custody battles when those couples divorce. But courts often will not rule on pet ownership. “You don’t want to be the lawyer going in front of a judge asking to divide a pet,” says Freid and Goldsman divorce lawyer Jon S. Summers. When Fido’s fate does come before a court, the verdict could be heartbreaking. California law considers pets property, like a TV, so the judge almost always grants ownership to one ex, leaving the other petless. And anything from pet-food receipts to testimony from neighbors and therapists might be used in court to determine the pet’s rightful caretaker. But most couples, says Summers, reach pet custody agreements outside the courtroom. Here’s who won in five famous battles:
After breaking off their engagement in June 2011, the couple battled over who would win ownership of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Charlie. Harris originally allowed Hefner to keep Charlie but changed her mind that December.
Winner: Hefner retained custody as evidenced by both dog and Hef being featured on Nat Geo Wild’s Dog Whisperer in July 2012.
UK’s first ‘cat cafe’ opens in England’s ‘Narnia’
A cafe filled with cats has opened in England’s Narnia by former wildlife hospital owner Liz Dyas.
Dyas has become owner of Britain’s first cat cafe, which is a haven of holistic therapy, organic food and independent retail and its town sign was graffitied with the words “Twinned with Narnia”, the Daily Express reported.
The cat cafe phenomenon began in Asia with the world’s first opening in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998 and is now hugely popular in Japan where living conditions are often too cramped for pet ownership.
It charges customers an hourly fee that allows them to relax with a drink and a cat to stroke, which is a form of on-site pet rental-meets-pet therapy.
Dog Finds A Tiny Kitten, Risks Everything To Save Her
Anderson Independent-Mail / via: 10news.com
Animal control officer Michelle Smith got a call about a yelping dog behind a Home Depot. She climbed down a steep embankment to find a shih tzu, tangled in a mess of briars. But she looked more closely, she realized Goldie had a friend: a tiny kitten who was nursing at the dog’s side.

Anderson County P.A.W.S. / via: facebook.com

Anderson Police Dept. / via: foxcarolina.com