Winter Pet Alert


You winterize your house, your car and your kids…What makes you think pets are any different? Make sure this season your pets are prepared for what winter has in store. Following these helpful tips can ensure your pet a fun & healthy winter.

No matter where you live, the winter season brings with it some hazards you should be aware of:

  1. Pets hould be kept away from wood burning stoves and fireplaces. Screens or protective railing should always be used to prevent accidents and injuries. Watch out for those hot pokers too.
  2. Antifreeze can be fatal if swallowed. When winterizing cars and trucks, keep antifreeze out of the reach of pets. If you spill it on the ground, be sure to clean it up properly. There are now a few pet-friendly brands on the market…look for them.
  3. Pet Owners should be careful about wlak9ing pets where sidewalk de-icers or salts have been used. These substances can be irritating to the paws and can cause illness if your pet cleans his paws by licking and swallowing enough of the de-icing product. If your dog’s paws seem to be tender and painful after walking in the snow, seek veterinary advice. Examine the hair between its pads for matting.
  4. To help prevent winter chills and illness, a pet should be dried with a towel immediately after coming in from the rain, or if the temperature drips and snow is falling, those melting snowflakes, if not properly dried, can greatly chill your pet.
  5. Cold weather will also freeze the water in any outside water dishes. Water should either be changed frequently or supplied in a device available at better pet shops that keeps the water above freezing temperatures.
  6. The colder months usually bring less outdoor physical activity, and more overweight pets. Pets should be kept active to prevent weight build-up and behavioral problems linked with insufficient exercise, such as chewing and jumping.
  7. While indoors, flaky, itching skin can be a winter problem brought about by the drying effects of indoor heating if your pet is not on Hugs & Kisses.  Coat conditioners that can prevent this problem are available at better pet shops.
  8. If your pet is to be spending anytime outdoors, and insulated dog house or pet house should be provided. The door opening should be placed at one end or the other, not in the middle. Chilling winds should not blow in to the center of the house. Placing the opening to the side allows for one end of the pet house to remain draft free.
  9. Speaking of drafts, be sure bird cages are located in draft-free areas. Use a cage cover if necessary. And since our floors tend to be drafty during the winter months, whey not provide a warm, comfortable bed for your cat or dog.