This little girl is wearing
“Doggles” while undergoing
laser therapy for a painful
spinal issue.

Dear Partner,
When I watched the sci-fi series Star Trek as a kid, I knew we were thousands of years away from the medical healing wand that Dr. “Bones” McCoy used to instantly heal injuries and open wounds!
No antiseptic, no sutures, no hospital stay . . . crew members got repaired and went back to work immediately as if nothing happened.
I thought there was no way we could develop such a machine. It was as fictional as a star ship that traveled the universe looking for alternative life forms.
But it turns out that I was looking at it backwards! The wand did not heal anything, the human body did. The wand was simply the device that stimulated the body to repair itself.
Now what if we could have such a device for our animals? That’s where my mind goes with all this stuff.
Well, imagine my surprise when I discovered there is something that is very close to the magic wand from Star Trek! It is a cold laser unit. Yes, laser like they shoot into space, or use to cut things . . . . . . except it is cold, and it will not burn.
If you are science-minded, this device “shoots a laser directly into the body’s cells stimulating enzyme release from the mitochondria that
enhances and accelerates healing . . .
. . . both decreasing healing time as well as jump starting the healing of chronic conditions where the body has stopped producing these
enzymes due to the length of the condition.”
When I heard about it, I knew you would want our animals to have it.

Our chief veterinarian, Dr. Brown, is very excited about the possibilities and he says that major veterinary universities are using this cold laser now, including our own U C Davis, where we began the world’s first kidney dialysis program for animals about 25-years-ago. (That program changed dialysis protocols for humans the first three years it was in use!)
We have a unique situation . . . the only one in the world like it. Our animals are with us from rescue til death. Our medical records are complete with EKG, ultrasound, X-rays, blood tests, etc. Some day our records will be entered into a super computer in some university and new medical discoveries will be made based on our work in this lifetime.
So with a cold laser unit, you can bet we will push the envelope on the known uses for such a device! We have animals with conditions that most veterinarians will never see, let alone treat. Our use of lasers will help our animals in ways we never thought possible, and that will reverberate world wide.
Beside the use on spinal and skeletal conditions seen above and below, we can use this device to treat urinary tract issues, mouth and gum issues, and to relieve pain and make healing faster in all our surgeries. But there are new also new areas we want to explore like treating decubitus sores, geriatric distemper syndrome, swollen elbows, arthritis, etc.
Notice in all the manufacturer’s pictures of the unit in action, none of the animals are afraid of the wand. It makes no sound and there is no sensation attached to it. In some applications, like skin or ear diseases, the wand never touches the animal at all.
The cold lasers we want to buy are $30,000 each. One unit should stay in surgery where it will be used for pain relief and rapid healing post-op.
This unit will also be there to treat
incoming animals all day long. From there our vet can prescribe a treatment schedule and protocol for each animal.
As part of the laser unit, there is a
computer program that calls out the protocols for each animal and how much time to use the laser on him. This software allows our vet to train certain nurses to do the treatments for the chronically ill dogs and cats.
In our hospital, close to 20 cats a day
have appointments to see the doctor. Some have injuries like a sprained paw, and others have skin conditions that can be treated on the spot, and then periodically.
Our second unit will go in our X-ray
room for use on the dozens of animals with chronic conditions. There is a mattresss on the floor for the dogs to lie on and be comfortable while the laser is in use.

The “Doggles,” doggie goggles, are to protect their eyes from the laser which will permanently blind anyone looking directly at it. Our staff wears the goggles as well.
The nurse holds a little hood over the cat’s face so she is protected. In the demonstration picture above the laser is not turned on.
The unit is light and portable and can be carried in a sling, and I can’t wait for us to use it on our horses! Because each of our horses suffered some sort of abuse before being abandoned, back and leg issues are common in our herd. We are hopeful that the laser will jump start our horses’ bodies into healing these chronic conditions.

For these medical problems we have had to use prescription drugs which have side effects. But nothing else has worked. Hopefully the laser will make a remarkable difference for our gentle souls.
Unlike dogs and cats, horses cannot live without all four legs. Being abused in riding “sports” causes permanent
leg injury which also requires oral medication to relieve the pain, but not to cure the condition.
I am hoping that our laser will get in there and stimulate the body’s cells to fire up its
natural healing process.
Like I said, we are pushing the
envelope. Having at least two units is the beginning of something huge. Once we
prove it works, we will spread the word
so your local vet might want to buy a
machine. And it should not be that expensive to treat people’s beloved animals, even three times a week.

If a unit costs $30,000, that is $15-an-hour for one year. After that it is paid for. Hiring a tech to run the machine, with all the government forced overhead, will cost about $30-an-hour.
One treatment will take 2-4 minutes of laser use. For us we can treat 4-6 of our animals an hour. For the local vet, getting the animals in and out of the office and treatment room might take 20-minutes. So say half an hour. The therapy will cost the hospital $25 for half an hour. Add a reasonable profit and this cure is affordable for most people whose animals need it.
So beside helping all our animals for years to come, and beside our discovering new uses for cold laser at our sanctuary, uses to be passed on to the veterinary profession world wide, your own vet can enhance the care of his patients if you take him this letter.
All we have to do now is buy the units! With your help we can change the world for our animals and for others. Please send what ever extra gift you can today to put toward buying two cold laser units. If someone is really generous, we can buy a third unit for our horses too! Please use the enclosed reply card to send your gifts today.
And here it is, almost right out of Star Trek! We need at least two of these units at a cost of $60,000.
One unit is for surgery where all animals with incisions will be treated for post op pain and more rapid healing. The second unit is for our animals with chronic conditions who will be treated three times a week.

Please help us buy these units with any extra gift amount you can, today.
For the animals,

Leo Grillo. founder
Dedication & Everlasting Love To Animals
P.O. Box 9, Glendale, CA 91209 ~ tel. 661-269-4010 ~ www.